Hi there guys and girls.
I am going to try and keep this blog updated frequently so that you can all see what I'm doing.
Don't worry, I'm not the type of person that will say, 'I'm going for a shower now so brb,' and all that rubbish.
The updates will be appropriate!
Today I am doing some more painting on my Calvin and Hobbes canvas.
It's coming along nicely and I am excited myself to see how it progresses.
I haven't got much painting done this week due to a number of issues.
1- We found out that our rented house is subsiding as well as the roof collapsing and the back bedroom window falling out.
2- The landlord is a money hungry idiot and won't do anything about it, despite numerous complaints and a fear for our own safety.
3- (Perhaps the most pleasant of the issues) I got some ankle tattoos done on Tuesday, and while they are beautiful, for the first few days, they were sore to stand on. Leaving me unable to do a huge amount of stood up activities. Unfortunately more painting time suffered :(
Anyway, despite the house falling down around me, I must get back to my painting.