Friday, 24 October 2014

Completed Rohan horse

I realised I didn't upload the picture of my completed horse drawing onto my blog.  It was the very first thing that I posted on here.

Hope you like it

The horse was done with coloured pencils and a black pen was used for the map in the background

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Paul's birthday

The weather has slightly improved today but I am still confining myself indoors.
It's too chilly to venture out leisurely.

My boyfriend, Paul, is 21 years old tomorrow and I have taken a little bit of time out to paint and draw gifts for him.

This is the co-ordinates of our first kiss all them years ago

He has been wanting something customising by me for a while. So I decided that he'd love a Charmander on his rucksack.

Anyway it's time to make myself a nice hot mug of tea and relax for half an hour before getting the house work done and then cracking on with the Calvin and Hobbes canvas :) 

Good day to all.

Sunday, 19 October 2014


So the UK has been hit with the tail end of hurricane Gonzalo.
I just happened to be heading into town to buy some more white and black acrylic paint when the heavens opened.

I'm back now and in dry clothes with the heating on full blast. Time to warm up a little and carry on with the canvas. :)

Saturday, 18 October 2014


Hi there guys and girls.
I am going to try and keep this blog updated frequently so that you can all see what I'm doing.
Don't worry, I'm not the type of person that will say, 'I'm going for a shower now so brb,' and all that rubbish.
The updates will be appropriate!

Today I am doing some more painting on my Calvin and Hobbes canvas.
It's coming along nicely and I am excited myself to see how it progresses.
I haven't got much painting done this week due to a number of issues.
1- We found out that our rented house is subsiding as well as the roof collapsing and the back bedroom window falling out.
2- The landlord is a money hungry idiot and won't do anything about it, despite numerous complaints and a fear for our own safety.
3- (Perhaps the most pleasant of the issues) I got some ankle tattoos done on Tuesday, and while they are beautiful, for the first few days, they were sore to stand on. Leaving me unable to do a huge amount of stood up activities. Unfortunately more painting time suffered :(

Anyway, despite the house falling down around me, I must get back to my painting.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Please help

I'm not sure if many people out there in the big wide world read this but if you do, please take a second to continue.
The link provided is to a fund raising attempt for a friend of a friend. Her symptoms are really shocking and please donate something, anything. She will happily send you test results ect to show you how your money is being used.
Connie is a huge animal lover and has fostered and rescued dogs for a long time.  I think she deserves the same generosity.